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Integration courses for late repatriates - registering

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees offers nationwide integration courses to ethnic German immigrants. The structure of the courses consists of two parts:

  • Basic and advanced language course, each with 300 hours of language instruction
  • Orientation course with 100 hours of instruction to impart knowledge of the law, culture and history in Germany

In order to promote the learning of the German language as individually as possible, the language courses consist of six course sections with different levels of proficiency.

Integration courses for special target groups have a different structure (up to 900 hours of language instruction, a total of 430 hours intensive course).

The aim of the language course is to acquire "sufficient language skills". You prove successful participation with an examination for the Zertifikat Deutsch. This corresponds to language level B1.

Late repatriates aged 16 and over can take part in the "Identity and Integration PLUS" courses. The course comprises 200 teaching units, builds on the integration course and covers the following topics:

  • Questions of your specific identity, e.g. ideas about German culture and living environment and your experiences with it,
  • Challenges and opportunities in coping with everyday life in your new environment, and
  • Possibilities and opportunities in the German labour market.

Tip: In addition to the integration courses, there are other integration aids, especially migration-specific counselling services. Information on local counselling can be obtained from the municipalities.

Responsible department

  • the provider of the integration course, if you are in possession of a certificate of eligibility
  • otherwise: the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)



As a late repatriate, you are entitled to one free participation in an integration course. This also applies to your husband, wife, civil partner and children who are included in the admission decision.

The Federal Office of Administration will determine your right to participate in an integration course. You will usually receive confirmation of your right to participate after your entry together with the registration certificate. You canthen start an integration course at , even if the certification procedure has not yet been completed.

Notice: You were admitted as a late repatriate before 1 January 2005 and have not yet attended a language course? attended? Then the Federal Office of Administration can admit you to attend an integration course. This also applies to the husband or wife and children included in the admission decision. You must apply for this admission in writing.


You can use the entitlement certificate to register directly with a language course provider of your choice.

Tip: You can find the contact details of the approved providers of integration courses in your area in the online service of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.



Required documents

Confirmation from the Federal Office of Administration of your entitlement to participate (entitlement certificate).

If you do not receive an entitlement to participate from the Federal Office of Administration, you can apply for admission to the integration course at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.


In principle: None

Repetition of individual course sections: at own expense

Continuation after reaching the maximum duration of the lessons: at own expense


If you do not successfully complete the course (language level B1) despite regular attendance, you have the option of repeating 300 lessons in the language course free of charge.

Legal basis

Bundesvertriebenengesetz (BVFG) in Verbindung mit der Integrationskursverordnung

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: 20.07.2023 Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg